Hostile Kiwi Games is a game studio created by a team of students. This team has a total of seventeen student members all following the same Bachelor’s Degree minor: Game Design & development, this is a secondary study specialization based in The Netherlands, Rotterdam.
Hostile Kiwi Games was created with a challenge: Make a 3D Game in 14 weeks, publish this game online and get 900+ downloads.
For this Minor we are a student group recreating a real game studio in order to learn all the aspects of making a game and working together in a semi-large team. As a team we have a diverse set of skills, having a total of 6 artists, 6 developers, 4 designers and 1 producer. Divided in departments we communicate together and work hard to make I Won’t Forget Hue an amazing game to play, and which we can be proud of.
Currently our only game is I Won't Forget Hue, you can find and download the game on here: